Our “Recall Abortion” effort, represented by Janet’s book, involves a petition to the government to do what it was founded to do: protect the rights of the citizens. We invite you to read and sign the petition below.

There are many things that governments can do to “recall abortion,” and the particulars of that are worked out from year to year. In order for public officials to take any steps in that direction, however, the will of the people needs to be clear, and that’s what a petition like this accomplishes.

We will make sure that public officials on the local, state and federal levels know of the conviction of all those who sign this petition: abortion must be recalled!

Thank you!


Petition to Recall Abortion
WHEREAS abortion kills children, in contradiction to the first principle of medicine, "Do No Harm;"
WHEREAS, with more frequency than we know, abortion kills women who have them;
WHEREAS abortion causes physical and emotional harm to women, as well as emotional harm to men and families, in greater numbers than has yet been measured;

WHEREAS abortion cures no disease and has no medical benefit and therefore does not qualify as a "medical" procedure;
WHEREAS the growing testimonies of the men and women of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign demonstrate that abortion does not solve any problem but only creates new ones;
WHEREAS the testimonies of those who have had abortions or have been tempted to do so indicate, and the impact of regulatory laws demonstrates, changes in public policy that make abortion less available in fact reduce abortions;
WHEREAS public authorities, consistent with their sworn duty to protect the public they serve, consistently issue recalls of products that prove harmful to those who use them;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that we, the undersigned, call upon our government at every level to recall abortion, and to take such measures as are necessary to reverse all public policies that currently make it legally available, and by such a recall, to reduce the damage to human life and public health which abortion currently constitutes.

Use the form below to add your name to the
Petition to Recall Abortion
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